
TTR Label Showcase

TTR Label Showcase EP11 – Arash Shadram

micArash ShadramtodayNovember 1, 2022 31 1

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    TTR Label Showcase EP11 - Arash Shadram Arash Shadram

A R A S H . S H A D R A M (@arashshadram )
Is The Next Guest On Our Label Showcase Episode 011

Starting as part of the duo Blade&Beard in 2012 in Teheran – Iran, Arash has been influential to techno music as producer of the two.
His music combined the melodic and epic into a fresh and contemporary sound.
Building on his lifelong influences, his productions have drawn the attention of some of the biggest imprints in modern dance music.
With his new solo project, Arash exlores new horizons and takes his production to the next level.
Arash entered the techno scene in Europe, Asia and America in with the documentary movie “Raving Iran”,
showing the restrictions Blade&Beard faced in Iran and their journey to the Streetparade festival in Zurich, Switzerland.
With Blade&Beard, Arashs’ music had an eclectic influence, including releases on labels like Three Hands Records, DNC Limited,
Prisma Techno and the bands’ own label Futurist. Their productions have been featured in sets from DJs like Mind Against,
Fideles, and many more. In 2018, Blade&Beards ‘Moving the Moon’ EP was number 1 in the Resident Advisor DJ Charts.
This EP gained a lot of attention and was widely played all over the world.
With Blade&Beard, Arash played in a number of festivals including
Tomorrowland (Belgium), Fusion Festival (Germany), Streetparade (Switzerland), Lighthouse Festival (Croatia), IMI (Singapore), etc., as well as many clubs all around the world.
Consistently striving for a sound that is timeless yet innovative, Arash Shadram has exciting plans in the up-coming future.
We are Happy & Honored To Host One The Most Talented Persian Melodic Techno Artist On Our Label Showcase on TechnoTehran Radio
Tracklist :
01-Arash Shadram – ID
02-Arash Shadram – ID
03-Arash Shadram – ID
04-Arash Shadram – ID
05-Arash Shadram – ID
06-Arash Shadram – ID
07-Arash Shadram – ID
08-Arash Shadram – ID
09-Arash Shadram – ID
10-Arash Shadram – ID
11- ID- ID

TTR Label Showcase

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