TTR Label Showcase

TTR Label Showcase EP13 – MAAND

micMAANDtodayJanuary 1, 2023 44

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MAAND (@wearemaand)
Is the next Guest on our monthly radio show episode 13.

MAAND is a new concept born from the idea of two neapolitan guys ,
mixing warm sounds and ethnical sonority with solid groove. The peculiarity of their tracks is the research of new elements to insert in their projects followed by exclusive melodies. They are already supported & played by artist such as: Taleof Us, Solomun, Nora En Pure, Miss Monique, Lauren Mia, Erly Tepshi, Blancahand many more…

Tracklist :

.Instagram :
SoundCloud : @wearemaand
Beatport :

TTR Label Showcase

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